Hi! My name is Paweł. I’m a web developer from Poland and welcome to my digital garden! I am an Elixir developer with a lot of Ruby history. Therefore a lot of my articles are about these technologies. I also occasionally write about PostgreSQL, testing and programming in general.

About me
- Location: Wrocław, Poland
- Github: katafrakt
- Social media: genserver.social, ruby.social, BlueSky
- Stack of choice: Elixir/Phoenix, PostgreSQL, LiveView or Vue
- Cats: 2
My favourite articles
Latest articles
- On validations and the nature of commands (05 Feb 2025)
- Booleans Are a Trap (09 Nov 2024)
- Chekhov's gun principle for testing (01 Nov 2024)
- Mruby: Errors in Ruby code and how to find them (06 Oct 2024)
- Mruby: Beyond "hello world" (05 Oct 2024)
- Inspecting compiled Elixir code (18 Dec 2024)
- Return simple values from Oban job (09 Dec 2024)
- Two ways to ensure no NULLs in PostgreSQL (02 Dec 2024)